Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Camera Upgrades

This week has been a busy one for the camera in terms of a couple of upgrades I wanted to do. The first came from browsing Nikon's web site and the second was bourne out of frustration when focussing during macro photography.

Firmware Upgrade To Version 2.00
After reading all of the instructions this was easy, quick and painless - which is more than can be said for some firmware upgrades (we won't talk about my router!). The instructions were easy to follow and 20 minutes later I had the new firmware installed.

A brief play and scan through the menus and it looks like they may have resolved one of my pet hates - the focus area would not lock between power cycles. Only time and a few more days playing will tell if this is correct.

Manual Focus Aid
For those of you who have not used the D70 my complaint here is that there is no manual focusing aid. This was not too much of a problem when I first started using the camera as I used the autofocus a lot. As I am getting used to using the camera I am manually focussing a lot more.

Time for a quick browse of the internet. I eventually found a few forums discussing the Katz Eye focus system from a US based company. There were plenty of reviews and most were favourable. The downside was the two week waiting list. This is where Nikonians came to the rescue. They do not have a wide range of kit on their site but they do sell the Katz Eye focusing screens. Seemless ordering and it was here in the UK from Germany within 48 hours of ordering.

The instructions were clear with a warning about reading them all - something I must admit to doing several times before attempting to start this. The last thing I wanted was a hefty repair bill from Nikon.

And Finally...
So now I've upgraded I suppose I should go and find some subjects...